How to make a mailing list in Excel

Tutorial: Create a tab-delimited file in Microsoft Excel for mailing lists

When sending mailing lists to a printer, it's incredibly helpful to have a properly formatted file. Follow these steps to make your own.

Create a mailing list in Excel:

1. Open Excel

2. Create your data labels in the first row (First Name, MI, Last Name, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, and Zipcode).

3. Enter in data points in the boxes below your labels. All data should be consistent in field format and all data points must be separated by field.

Example format:

First Name MI Last Name Address 1 Address 2 City State ZIP
David A Lightman 123 Eye St. Suite 1 Arcata CA 95521
Sarah J Connor 456 9th St Apt. 1 Arcata CA 95521
Marty S McFly 555 H St. Apt. A Arcata CA 95521

4. Matching the sequence of your data labels, type or paste your customer list directly into Excel. Check for errors and correct formatting. 

5. Save your Excel file.

Create a tab-delimited file from your Excel worksheet:

1. In Excel, click the File tab, then Save As.

2. In the Save as type box, choose Text (Tab delimited)

3. Browse location where you'd like the file saved, then click Save.

4. A dialog box will appear reminding you that only the current worksheet will be saved to the new file. You can save other worksheets as separate text files by repeating this procedure for each. Click Yes.

5. A second dialog box appears reminding you that your worksheet may contain elements that aren't supported by text file formats. Click Yes.

You are now able to send your tab-delimited text file to your printer! 



Shortcuts for Adobe products

When creating files yourself, it's important to have a good understanding of the controls available to you.

Adobe shortcuts allow you to quickly access commands and settings without using the mouse. 

Default keyboard shortcuts for:




The average designer probably won't know every command, and Adobe regularly updates the settings and functions available, but knowing the basics can save a lot of time. There is also the ability to customize individual commands to best fit your personal workflow. 

How to export a PDF in Adobe InDesign

Step by step directions for exporting a 'Press Quality' PDF from InDesign.

You can either download and use our custom BUG PRESS job option, or follow the steps to include the preferred settings yourself!

In InDesign using Bug Press job option:

To install Bug Press job option:

  1. Download job option.
  2. Go to File > Adobe PDF Presets > Define...
  3. Click ‘Load...
  4. Navigate to ‘BUG PRESS_noconvert’; Click ‘Open’.
  5. Then click ‘Done'

To use Bug Press job option:

  1. Go to File > Export...
  2. In new window:
    Save as: ______ (Name your file and note the location you are exporting it to)
    For Mac ‘Format’: Adobe PDF (Print)
    For Windows ‘Type’: Adobe PDF (Print)
    Then click ‘Save’  
  3. In next window, choose Adobe PDF Preset: BUG PRESS_noconvert
  4. Then click ‘Export
  5. Examine your PDF in Adobe Acrobat. It should now be ready for upload

Export PDF without using a job option:

1 Go to File > Export...

2. In new window: 

Save as: ______ (Name your file and note the location you are exporting it to)

For Mac ‘Format’: Adobe PDF (Print)

For Windows ‘Type’: Adobe PDF (Print)

Then click ‘Save’

3. In next window choose Adobe PDF Preset: [Press Quality]

  • Under General:

Options: check ‘View PDF after Exporting

  • Under Compression:

Color Images: Bicubic 400 

Grayscale Images: Bicubic 400 

Monochrome Images: Bicubic 1200

  • Under Marks and Bleeds

Bleed and Slug: check ‘Use Document Bleed Settings’ 

(This should show .125 inches for each edge, but is grayed out)

4. Then click ‘Export

5. Examine your PDF in Adobe Acrobat

For more information about PDFs from Adobe, click here.

For a video demonstration, click here.


If you have any questions, feel free to call us.